Member States
This directory provides a listing of contact information for the national Coordinating bodies for liaison with the IOC and the national focal points officially designated in IOC Member States.
A National Coordinating Body for Liaison with the IOC is governmental by nature. It constitutes the main level of communication between the national government authorities and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO regarding IOC matters. This body will typically liaise with the National Commission for UNESCO in relation to UNESCO policies and procedures concerning IOC matters.
IOC Circular Letter 2634 dated 29 August 2016 provides additional information on the designation of the National Coordinating Body for Liaison with the Commission. Official designations should be submitted to the Executive Secretary of the Commission through the nomination form contained in the circular letter.
Updates to this document
Member States should send updates to this document by official correspondence to the IOC Executive Secretary. Systematic review and inquiry for updates to this document will also be carried out at least once every biennium.
Membership of IOC
In accordance with the statutes of IOC, Membership is open to any Member State of any of the organizations of the United Nations system. States covered by the terms of the above shall acquire membership of the Commission by notifying the Director-General of UNESCO. Further details about membership and responsibilities of Member States can be found in the IOC Statutes.